10th International conference on Intelligent Technologies (ICIT – 2025) will take place on 16 - 18 August, 2025 at Asian Institute of Technology, 58 Moo 9, Km. 42, Paholyothin Highway, Klong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120 Thailand.
ICIT – 2025 is jointly organized by Asian Society for Research in Engineering Sciences (ASRES), Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok and SPJ Centre for Multi-disciplinary Research (SCMR).The conference committee includes active and senior researchers and professionals from the reputed institutes and industries around the world. The conference will provide a platform to the academicians, scientists, engineers and industrialists to interact and share the advanced knowledge on frontier topics of theoretical and applied engineering, technology and research.
The important features of the conference are:
- Economical conference: With an aim to provide an economical platform to the scholars and professionals, the conference uses all austerity measures to keep the conference fee much below the other comparable conferences.
- Global representation: conference has participation from different countries spread across different continents of the Globe, which provides participants a truly global audience to interact with.
- Multiple benefits: In addition to publication of paper and interaction during the conference, after the conference, the participants are invited to join the conference committees of future conferences of ASRES. They are invited to join the Editorial/Reviewer board of the associated journal also. If they take membership of ASRES, they get advantage of discounted registration fee also applicable to the ASRES members.
- Data Mining
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Meta heuristic algorithms
- Machine Learning
- Business Intelligence
- Human Computer Interface
- Crowd Sourcing & Social Intelligence
- Algorithms
- Programming Languages
- Computing Architectures and Systems
- Computer Graphics, Vision and Animation
- Software and Database System
- Multimedia Engineering
- Networks, IoT and Cyber Security
- Cluster, Cloud, & Grid Computing
- Big Data Analytics
- High Performance Computing
- Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
- Data Centric Programming
- Data Modeling & Semantic Engineering
- Data, Text, Web Mining, & Visualization
- Domain Specific Data Management
- Knowledge Engineering
- Green Communications
- Wireless Communications and Networks
- Optical Communications and Networks
- Modulation and Coding Techniques
- Ad-hoc, Mesh and Sensor Networks
- Vehicular Networks
- Cellular Networks
- Image / Video / Multimedia Signal Processing
- Audio / Speech / Spoken Language Processing
- Digital & Multirate Signal Processing
- Signal Processing Algorithms and Architectures
- Pattern Recognition and Object Tracking
- Compressive Sensing and High-Dimensional Statistics
- Antennas, Propagation and Computational EM
- RF/Millimeter-wave Circuits and Systems
- THz, mmWave and RF Systems for Communications
- Materials and Structures
- Microwave Metrology
- RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology
- Electronic devices, materials and fabrication process
- Device modeling & characterization
- Advanced CMOS devices and process
- Beyond CMOS device technology
- Emerging memory technologies
- Analog and mixed signal ICs
- MEMS and semiconductor sensors
- Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
- Renewable Energy Sources and Technology
- High Voltage Engineering, HVDC-FACTS
- Switching Circuits & Power Converters
- Power System Monitoring, Control and Protection
- Micro Grids& Distributed Generation
- Control Communication and Monitoring of Smart Grid
- Energy Storage System
- Humanoid robots
- Mobile robotics
- Space and underwater robots
- Control system modeling
- Intelligent control, Neuro-control, Fuzzy control and their applications
- Networked control systems
- Instrumentation systems
- Industrial automation
- Biomedical Signal Processing and Instrumentation
- Wearable Sensors for Health care monitoring
- Biomedical Imaging
- Micro/Nano-bioengineering and Cellular/Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials
- Computational Systems, Modeling and Simulation in Medicine
- Biomedical and Health Informatics
- Smart Manufacturing
- Industry 4.0
- Smart Materials
- Optimization
- Modern Thermal Systems
- Nanomaterials
- Composites
- Smart Cities
- Intelligent Construction Techniques
- Modern Civil Structures and Systems
- All submitted papers will undergo a process of peer review and all the accepted papers will be published in the Scopus indexed conference proceedings ‘Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems’- https://www.springer.com/series/15179 published by Springer (Proposal Submitted). Authors can access to the ebook version of proceedings on link.springer.com.
- Later, authors of the accepted papers, if they want, can submit a revised paper for publication in the current volume (16th volume) of International Journal of Engineering Sciences (ISSN 0976 – 6693). Please refer journal's website https://www.scmrglobal.org/ijes.php PDF copy of the paper published in the journal can be downloaded from the journal website. Authors may see instructions for submitting the paper on the journal website.
The conference will accept papers on the following topics and allied areas:
Track 1: Computational Intelligence |
Track 2: Computing Technologies |
Track 3: Data Science & Engineering |
Track 4: Communication & Networking |
Track 5: Signal & Image Processing |
Track 6: RF Circuits, Systems and Antennas |
Track 7: Devices, Circuits, Materials and Processing |
Track 8: Power, Energy and Power Electronics |
Track 9: Robotics, Control, Instrumentation and Automation |
Track 10: Biomedical Engineering and Healthcare Technologies |
Track 11: Automated Mechanical and Smart Material Systems |
Track 12: Smart Civil Systems |
Publication Policy:
Outline of Conference Programme (Detailed programme to be prepared later)
16 August, 2025 | Day 1: Conference inauguration, keynote addresses & parallel sessions, Coffee breaks, Lunch break |
17 August, 2025 | Day 2: Parallel sessions & keynote addresses, Coffee breaks, Lunch break |
18 August, 2025 | Day 3: Parallel sessions, University/industry visit (Optional) |
Important Dates:
Draft paper submission deadline: 15 May, 2025
Acceptance communication: within one weeks of submission
Early bird registration deadline: 15 June, 2025
Final paper submission deadline: 15 June, 2025
Organizing Secretary
Lui Gonzalez