10th International conference on Intelligent Technologies (ICIT – 2025)

10th International conference on Intelligent Technologies (ICIT – 2025)

10th International conference on Intelligent Technologies (ICIT – 2025)

Bangkok, 16 - 18 August, 2025

Event Location

AIT Conference Centre, Bangkok

Registration Fees ICIT

Guide for authors   |  Alternately, authors can use the template given here for preparation of their paper.[Download Template]

1. Alternately, Authors should submit a .pdf or .doc file of their papers in single line spacing for the purpose of review to secretary.asres@gmail.com / secretary@asres.org.in via Email.

2. The maximum length of the ready to print paper is limited to 8 pages in single line spacing single column format with 1.25” margin on the left side and 1” margin on all other sides.

3. The title of the paper on the first page must be in 14 size Times New Roman(TNR) bold font. The names of authors and affiliations in 11 size TNR font, abstract in 10 size TNR font. The headings and subheadings must be in 12, TNR font with one line space above and below the headings and subheadings. Heading will be bold but subheadings not bold. The headings and subheadings must follow a decimal number sequence. The main text must be 12, TNR font.

4. The Figures must be in .jpg format and to be put the place of the first reference. The Figures must be labeled at the bottom and the Tables must be labeled at the top. The Equations must be numbered at the end.

5. The References in 10 size TNR font must be arranged in a numbered list and the numbers to be used for referencing them in the main text. Their description must follow the sequence: Names of the authors, Title of the reference/book (in italic font), Name of the journal/publisher of the book, volume/edition, number, year, page numbers.

"I certify that the paper is my original research contribution with the references properly cited in the manuscript."

"I give my consent to transfer the copyright of my paper to the publisher of the conference proceedings and the journal in which my paper is published."